Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*student coauthors
2024, in press
- Lecce, S., Mascheretti, S., Stagnitto, S., & Osterhaus, C. (2024). Individual differences in Theory of Mind and children’s advanced scientific reasoning in elementary school. International Journal of Behavioral Development.
- Osterhaus, C., Lecce, S., & Koerber, S. (2024). Unlocking narratives: Longitudinal associations between Theory of Mind and reading comprehension. British Journal of Developmental Psychology., 42(4), 511–516.
- Osterhaus, C., & Koerber, S. (2024). The personal epistemology of parents predicts the development of scientific reasoning in children aged 6 to 10 years. Developmental Science, 27, e13474.
- Smogorzewska, J., Szumski, G., Bosacki, S. L., Grygiel, P., & Osterhaus, C. (2024). Longitudinal relations between theory of mind and academic achievement among deaf and hard-of-hearing school-aged children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 239.
- Osterhaus, C., & Koerber, S. (2023). The complex associations between children’s scientific reasoning and advanced theory of mind. Child Development, 94(1), e18–e42.
- Osterhaus, C., Lin, X.*, & Koerber, S. (2023). Measuring scientific reasoning in kindergarten and elementary school: Validating the Chinese version of the Science-K Inventory. Educational Research for Policy and Practice.
- Smogorzewska, J., & Osterhaus, C. (2023). A matter of style? Parenting behaviors of mothers of typically-developing children, children with mild intellectual disability, and deaf or hard-of-hearing children. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 20(1), 86–106.
- Osterhaus, C., & Bosacki, S. L. (2022). Looking for the lighthouse: A systematic review of advanced theory-of-mind tests beyond preschool. Developmental Review, 64, 101021.
- Kloo, D., Osterhaus, C., Kristen-Antonow, S., & Sodian, B. (2022). The impact of theory of mind and executive function on math and reading abilities: A longitudinal study. Infant and Child Development, 31(6), e2356.
- Nyberg, K.,* Koerber, S., & Osterhaus, C. (2022). Self-effective scientific reasoning? Differences between elementary and secondary school students. Frontline Learning Research, 10(1), 22–45.
- Nyberg, K.,* Koerber, S., & Osterhaus, C. (2022). Does task-specific self-efficacy predict science competencies? Journal of Education and Training Studies, 10(4).
- Osterhaus, C., Kristen-Antonow, S., Kloo, D., & Sodian, B. (2022). Advanced scaling and modeling of children’s theory of mind competencies: Longitudinal findings in 4- to 6-year-olds. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 46(3), 251–259 .
- Osterhaus, C. (2022). „Wenn er weiß, dass sie weiß, was er denkt“ – Hängt die Entwicklung sozialkognitiver Fähigkeiten mit dem Schließen von Freundschaften im Grundschulalter zusammen? PraxisForschungLehrer*innenBildung, 4(5), 21–35.
- Koerber, S., & Osterhaus C. (2022). Does advanced theory of mind protect elementary-school children from loneliness? Longitudinal associations from 9 to 10 years. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 183(1), 1-8.
- Osterhaus, C., & Koerber, S. (2021). The development of advanced theory of mind in middle childhood: A longitudinal study from age 5 to 10 years. Child Development, 92(5), 1872–1888.
- Smogorzewska, J., & Osterhaus, C. (2021). Advanced theory of mind in children with mild intellectual disability and deaf or hard-of-hearing children: A two-year longitudinal study in middle childhood. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 39(4), 603–624.
- Osterhaus, C., Brandone, A., Vosniadou, S., & Nicolopoulou, A. (2021). The emergence and development of scientific thinking during the early years: Basic processes and supportive contexts. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(387).
- Opitz, T., Schuwerk, T., Paulus, M., Kloo, D., Osterhaus, C., Lesch, K.-P., & Sodian, B. (2021). No links between geneticvariation and theory of mind development: A replication attempt of Lackner et al. (2012). Developmental Science, 24(5). e13100.
- Koerber, S., & Osterhaus, C. (2021). Science competencies in kindergarten: A prospective longitudinal study in the last year of kindergarten. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 49, 117–136.
- Osterhaus, C., & Koerber, S. (2021). Social cognition during and after kindergarten: The relations between first-order and advanced theories of mind. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 18(4), 573–592.
- Schwichow, M., Osterhaus, C., & Edelsbrunner, P. (2020). The relation between the control-of-variables strategy and content knowledge in physics in secondary school. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 63, 101923.
- Osterhaus, C., Putnick, D. L., Kristen-Antonow, S., Kloo, D., Bornstein, M. H., & Sodian, B. (2020). Theory of Mind and diverse intelligences in 4-year-olds: Modeling associations of false beliefs with children’s numerate-spatial, verbal, and social intelligence. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 38, 580–593.
- Osterhaus, C., Koerber, S., & Sodian, B. (2020). The Science-P Reasoning Inventory (SPR-I): Measuring emerging scientific-reasoning skills in primary school. International Journal of Science Education, 42, 1087–1107. [Supplementary materials]
- Nyberg, K., Koerber, S., & Osterhaus, C. (2020). How to measure scientific reasoning in primary school: A comparison of different test modalities. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 8, 137–144.
- Koerber, S., & Osterhaus, C. (2020). Some but not all aspects of (advanced) Theory of Mind predict loneliness. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 38, 144–148.
- Knöchelmann, N.*, Krueger, S.*, Flack, A. *, & Osterhaus, C. (2019). Adults’ ability to interpret covariation data presented in bar graphs depends on the context of the problem. Frontline Learning Research, 7(4), 58–65.
- Koerber, S., & Osterhaus, C. (2019). Individual differences in early scientific thinking: Assessment, cognitive influences, and their relevance for science learning. Journal of Cognition and Development, 20(4), 510–533.
- Osterhaus, C., Magee, J., Saffran, A., & Alibali, M. W. (2019). Supporting successful interpretations of covariation data: Beneficial effects of variable symmetry and problem context. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72, 994–1004.
2017 and before
- Osterhaus, C., Koerber, S., & Sodian, B. (2017). Scientific thinking in elementary school: Children’s social cognition and their epistemological understanding promote experimentation skills. Developmental Psychology, 53, 450–462.
- Koerber, S., Osterhaus, C., & Sodian, B. (2017). Diagrams support revision of prior belief in primary school. Frontline Learning Research, 5(1), 76–84.
- Osterhaus, C., Koerber, S., & Sodian, B. (2016). Scaling of advanced theory-of-mind tasks. Child Development, 87, 1971–1991.
- Osterhaus, C., Koerber, S., & Sodian, B. (2015). Children’s understanding of experimental contrast and experimental control: An inventory for primary school. Frontline Learning Research, 3(4), 56–94.
- Koerber, S., Osterhaus, C., & Sodian, B. (2015). Testing primary-school children’s understanding of the nature of science. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 33, 57–72.
- Koerber, S., Mayer, D., Osterhaus, C., Schwippert, K., & Sodian, B. (2015). The development of scientific thinking in elementary school: A comprehensive inventory. Child Development, 86, 327–336.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
- Koerber, S., Sodian, B., & Osterhaus, C. (2022). Entwicklung des naturwissenschaftlichen Denkens. In J. Kahlert, M. Fölling-Albers, M. Götz, A. Hartinger, S. Miller, & S. Wittkowske (Eds.), Handbuch Didaktik des Sachunterrichts (3rd ed., pp. 355-360). Julius Klinkhardt.
- Koerber, S., Sodian, B., Osterhaus, C., Mayer, D., Kropf, N., & Schwippert, K. (2018). Science-P.II. Modeling scientific reasoning in primary school. In D. Leutner, J. Fleischer, J. Grünkorn, & E. Klieme (Eds.). Competence assessment in education: Research, models and instruments. Springer.